Remembering Carlie Brucia 10 years later

Carlie Brucia
Carlie Brucia

For everyone who knew her, it’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since Carlie Brucia was abducted and murdered. It was a horrible and emotional time for her family. Her passing has also had a profound impact on stranger safety awareness and the eventual creation of The Rose Brucia Educational Foundation by her cousin and Sachem alum Matthew J. Barbis.

Barbis, who graduated from Sachem in 1989 and lives in Holbrook, wrote something about the 10-year anniversary of her death on the foundation’s website this week. You can read it here.

What he wants is for the foundation’s latest video to go viral. It’s a depiction of a very real situation in a very real neighborhood and it could happen to anyone, just like it did to Carlie.

CLICK HERE to view the “No thanks, I’ll walk” video

-Words by Chris R. Vaccaro