Sachem North Model UN Club makes history

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The Sachem North Model U.N. Club attended the Patchogue-Medford Model United Nations Conference, led by advisors Mrs. Victoria Cangelosi and Mr. Michael Klein. The delegates debated over current world issues, including terrorism, the Ebola crisis, human rights, mental health and HIV/AIDS, seeking to find solutions for each respective issues. Sachem had a stellar performance, winning four awards across all three categories, an unprecedented feat in district history.

The awarded delegates were Sachem North junior Jake Buhler for “Best Position Paper” in the Historical Security Council, where he represented Anthony Eden (Former U.K. Prime Minister), Junior Jose Morel received an “Honorable Mention” for his representation of North Korea in the Security Council, Senior Joelle Danz received an “Honorable Mention” for her representation of the United States in the General Assembly, and Senior Kyle J. Kilkenny (myself) was awarded “Best Delegate”, the conference’s highest honor, for his representation of Lebanon in the Arab League. It was a remarkable victory, and one for the Sachem history books!

The Model U.N. Club will be competing at the Johns Hopkins University Model United Nations Conference in February 2015, where a select group of students debate with the best delegates from all over the country, and around the world.

Last year, Sachem won it’s first two awards from a JHUMUNC conference, another unprecedented feat. In order to help raise funds, the Model U.N. club is reviving its GoFundMe campaign to help the select students get the chance to debate in Baltimore.