Message from Sachem Superintendent James Nolan

The following is a message from Sachem Superintendent James Nolan …

We have recently experienced a couple of very frightening situations where our students experienced severe seizures as a result of using a synthetic cannabinoid commonly known as K2 or spice. This is a man made chemical that can be sprayed on shredded plant material to be smoked or sold as a liquid to be vaporized or inhaled in e-cigarettes or other devices known as vapes or vape pens. These devices can be purchased in stores or online. The K2 is deadly and unlike smoking marijuana it is odorless and very difficult to detect. The devices come in very small sizes, which are easy to conceal.

I am sending this message for one reason. We need to work together so that we are all educated, informed and aware. Like every other substance abuse situation, no person, no family, no school, and no community is immune to these horrors. We cannot live in denial. It is all about keeping our children safe and healthy.

Sachem is proud to have a K-12 health and wellness initiative, which includes substance abuse education and awareness. Our health department, substance abuse counselors, guidance counselors, social workers, psychologists, nurses, administrators, teachers, parents and folks from state and local healthcare agencies, as well as the Suffolk County Police Department, the District Attorney’s Office, and many others, have worked in synergy to address the horrors of substance abuse in our schools.

We have presented to parents and community members in each of our 12 elementary schools and we are about to conduct the same sessions in our secondary schools. A tremendous amount of information can be found on our website and we will continue to update that information. Our goal is to educate and inform to the best of our ability so that we as a Sachem family can keep our children healthy and safe.

Please know that although our goal is certainly to educate there are certainly consequences for those who make the poor decisions of involvement with drugs and alcohol in school. Those who make these poor decisions face suspensions and a superintendent’s hearing. Please know that all electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are prohibited and anyone in possession will receive the same suspensions and superintendent hearings.

We continue to work with the Suffolk County Police Department and their K9 unit, so you may hear from time to time that there are dogs in our schools. We also use random metal detectors searches and searches of lockers checked randomly from time to time. Unfortunately, all of this is done so that we can provide a safe and effective learning environment for our children. I urge you to have open and honest conversations with your children about the ills of substance abuse.

Please use us as a partner. If you have any questions or concerns, please visit our website or contact your child’s school. Please do not feed into the misinformation or rumor mills of social media. Sachem is a safe and effective learning environment. Together we can keep it that way. In closing, I thank you for your support and concern. Please visit our website and look to attend one of our upcoming informational sessions. Thank you.