Zeier set to climb NH’s highest mountain

Keith Zeier / Credit NY Post
Keith Zeier / Credit NY Post

Keith Zeier has been climbing mountains his whole life.

Here’s a brief list of his climbs:

  • He graduated early from Sachem High School in Dec. 2003 to join the United States Marines, only after being specially approved despite concussion-related issues sustained during his varsity soccer career; the same soccer career he turned down a six-figure salary from to play overseas.
  • In 2006, with the Second Marines Special Operations Battalion in Iraq, his Humvee came under attack. A bullet came an inch from his skull and left a hole in the seat headrest as a reminder of how narrowly he escaped death.
  • A couple of months later in July 2006, while traveling in an 18-man platoon of three six-man teams, Zeier was in the middle of the point vehicle returning from a raid. His Humvee was hit with an improvised explosive device and his leg sustained serious injury. Shrapnel ripped through the muscle, nerve and bone leaving a 12-inch scar, traumatic brain injury and forced him to have multiple surgeries.
  • In 2009 he ran the Keys 100 Ultramarathon in 31 hours. Collapsing with 25 miles left, he refused to quit and finished with a Marine Corps flag around his shoulders.
  • Also in 2009 he ran the New York City Marathon with a 50-pound Marine rucksack on his back, sporting full camouflage and boots as his attire. He finished the race with ease.
  • In 2010 he had his leg amputated. The pain was too much to handle and he parted with his limb, embracing a piece of mind he had hoped for.

Zeier is no stranger to adversity, overcoming odds and serving as an inspiration to us all. In January he’ll take to Mount Washington, the highest mountain in New Hampshire, and attempt to climb the icy and snowy beast to raise money for the Special Operations Wounded Warrior Foundation. He has a list of other mountains and locations he’ll concur in 2013 as well.

“An IED explosion ended my career in the Marine Corps,” Zeier told the New York Post. “[But] it has certainly not stripped me of the determination, perseverance and mental toughness I’ve gained.”

CLICK HERE to read the full NY Post story on Zeier

-Words by Chris R. Vaccaro