GATE students compose Greek mythology skit

Brothers Christian and Joseph Berberich

Brothers Christian and Joseph Berberich, GATE students at Tamarac Elementary School, were inspired to write and produce a song to coincide with a recent lesson they studied in Greek mythology.

Fourth and fifth grade GATE students were recently assigned a project from teacher Faye Moratti, and aside from gaining an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, they culminated their learning efforts with the song.

Each student wrote their own lyrics and created a prop to represent their God or Goddess. They wrote a song about their Gods, Hades and Ares.

“The boys were inspired to write the song when they were listening to holiday music at home,” Moratti said. “They started to add Greek words about their Gods into the holiday music and came up with this great song. I am so proud of this accomplishment. They blew me away with their creativity.”

With teacher Faye Moratti










-Words, photos and videos by Chris R. Vaccaro