Sachem track fights back against cancer

Track 1Sports programs have long been touted for their many character-building qualities; teamwork, sportsmanship, persistence, and accountability immediately come to mind. This summer an even more basic team developed quality has come to light- friendship.

With recent Sachem track alumni Nicole Iorio, Joe Andrechuk, and Kristine Clifford all currently fighting cancer, and wrestler Paul DiIorio also squaring off against this relentless foe, fellow alumnus Brandon Eng began making some phone calls to rally support for his former classmates.

With the rest of the Sachem track community on board, Brandon’s goal was to let his friends know that people cared, and that they were willing to show that they cared, and so a few events were organized that would mobilize the cross country and track and field family.

First up was a small softball tournament set up in early June. Although it did not raise much money it began to raise awareness, and that was the more important goal. Then, in late June, Irish Times Pub in Holbrook hosted a barbecue with live music featuring International Blues Festival Finalist (and Sachem Track Alumnus) Tommy Keys, Sachem teachers Chris Visco and Pete McNeill, and the lively band “The Committee to Re-elect Millard Fillmore”. Everyone had a great time, highlighted by Iorio joining the musicians for a group effort in singing “American Pie”.

Track 2Last week the SYAG X-C Summer Conditioning Camp run was held at Sachem East, serving double duty as not only a way to get some mileage in, but as a chance to pull together for a morale building raffle fundraiser.

With a few key Alumni; Eng, Mike Richards, and Ryan Duffy all canvassing the community, numerous raffle prizes, food items, and donations brought a festival like atmosphere to the run. Special thanks go to Bagels “n” a Whole Lot More of Stony Brook, Starbucks, and Sayville Running Company for their donations, and the Tom Toscano Foundation for their assistance and support. Thanks also go to a number of Track families that stepped up to help out; the Figaloras, the Parikhs, the Richards, the Mauro/Stidd family, the Zasowskis, the Rasconas, and the Vierlings.

How do Track and Field athletes fight back against cancer? With Friends and Family, of course.

Track 3