Sachem Alum Bo Olshefsky Honors 9/11 with Stairmaster Climb

Sachem alum and Neumann University senior Bo Olshefsky honored 9/11 victims by climbing 120 floors on a Stairmaster as a tribute to the heroes who did the same that fateful day.

Citing friends and family with connections to the FDNY and NYPD, Olshefsky wanted to mark the annual reminder of sacrifice and history by putting his own body to the test.

He did the 120 floors and 2,000 steps in about 30 minutes, according to a story in the Delco Times.

β€œIt was just something I wanted to do,” Olshefsky told the Times. β€œI reached out to my coaches (head coach Kyle Gardner and assistant coach Evan Zelinski) to see if they could reserve that time on the Stairmaster for me so I could do it. I was fortunate enough to have it for the morning. I did it during the time of the attacks so I started at 8:46 a.m., which is went he first tower was struck, and I timed it out to do the 120 flights of stairs from there.”

Read the full story here!